Tag Archives: flash fiction


It’s when you’re all strung out
that they start to feel a lil’

all those emotions getting to ya
the good,
the bad,
the ugly,

ganging up on you when you feel
like a wound in a
world full of salt,

Nothing else to do but
find a corner
regrow some skin,

and get back to it all.


Well, it’s Monday again. Here’s to hoping that it doesn’t find you with thin skin but, if it does, just know that I feel you. More so than that, know that it just takes a little time for your shell to grow back and that, in the end, you’ll get back to it all.

This crude little poem was a scrap I thought worth throwing out to see if anyone wanted to bite on it. It’s got a good idea behind it and, hey, it’s got an awesome Western reference in it, so it’s doubling up on some awesome.

Here’s to hoping that your Monday flies by and that your week does the same!

The Bar Tender

drink with backlight red lights

The Bar Tender

He’s waiting, watching with a smile,
Cleaning counters with one hand and
Thoughts going a minute per mile
On what the evening’s gonna bring

He’s seen it all, and he’s kept them
Running, happily filled and staunched
When they were getting a little too
Detracted or short on their money

A dying breed, he’s turned out alright
One part philosopher, and the other part
A person who knows how to
have a good time,

He’s a philanthropist tending,
mending moods, and cultivating dreams,
keeping the conversation flowing,
right alongside those tantalizing drinks.

It’s simple. It’s sweet. It’s Friday, folks. Welcome to the weekend! I hope you enjoy this diddy about that awesome but dying breed of bartenders; it’s those people who really are there to take care of you, keep the conversation flowing, and keep the drinks on comming. So, in short, this is an ode to the people I think the world could do with a few more of.

Here’s to hoping that your weekend is long, your drinks stiff, and your company worth keeping.

Born Blind

books and glasses

Born Blind

We’re all getting mucked down
and spun up, revolving planets
’round our problems, belivin’
that there’s never been enough
worry like what we’ve been tasting

blind as the day we were born, we’re
deaf as fools to boot, turning cold
shoulders to the men who wrote about
just what we’re going through, and
actin’ as though our lives are
something that’s never been
done before.


Well, it’s the middle of the week and I thought that maybe we could all do ( me included) with a little advice. Think of this as an A is For Public Service Announcement, of sorts. It all happens to us, and I’m not immune to this. Something happens in our life and we get this funny lil’ idea in our heads that it is something so great or terrible that’s it’s never happened to anyone one before. Of course, upon having a little sense knocked back into our heads, we’d remember that it is just about impossible to find ourselves in a situation where another human being actually hasn’t been before.  So, especially for those times we find ourselves in trouble,  I kindly recommend rememberin’ that this has all been done before. Once you realize that, it’s easy to go and pick up a book on history, to see what people have done or, better yet, find yourself a nice book of philosophy and take some advice from Plato, Aristotle, or Seneca might just do you some good in the end.

Well, I’ll stop being long-winded now, and I hope you find your week is fast on the down slope, and that your weekend isn’t too hard to see on that horizon.

Good Company

neon bar sign

Good Company

The drinks were overpriced and
the ingredients were underfunded
yet, somehow, the show kept on
for hours on end

the clock’s hands went waving off life
while we found ourselves still inside
enjoying the dirty little hole
in the wall
more by the minute

it’s the spirit of things when you
really get down to it, it’s the essence
of the people who show up and aren’t
afraid of losing it
just for the sake
of having
one hell of
a good time.


Mornin’, folks. Hope this finds you still slightly hung over. Or at least feelin’ it a bit. Needless to say, I hope you here in the states had a hell of a labor day and that you’re refueled enough to put up with one more cup of crappy coffee. Just think, least there’s only a few more days till you can do it all over again.

Anywho, hope you enjoy this crude little idea of a fellow. Thought he would be applicable on a weekend where we often find ourselves out in little holes in the walls. Despite the shabby appearances and less than adequate alcohol, I always find it is a hell of a time just if you have some good company along for the ride.

Pop Goes

Pop Goes Your-

Pop Goes Your-

Pop goes your well-made plans,
the checking book,
earned promotions and
anything else you might have been
a countin’ on

because the universe, my dear friend,
will go on until your end,
sadly, without a thought in its head
that you were anything more
than a dream it might have
once forgot.

Mornin’, folks. Well, a bit closer to the afternoon now but, heck, first day back from a vacation and I’m still having that sort of ‘life lag’ of not wanting it to be over yet. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this lil’ diddy up above. It’s short but it has a point: things happen, and the world goes on no matter how unfair you think what has happened is, or even how devastated you might be. In the end, it’s all you, and you just have to keep that in mind and move yourself along or, before you know it, you’ll have gone no where at all while the world just passes you by!

Meaner By the Minute


Meaner By the Minute

I swear Monday’s just make me
meaner by the minute,

clock goes off,
I get up,
and my mind starts

Hour hand slicing
and minutes searing,
severing my last few
nerves while
the seconds are gearing
to make me twitch,

to get circuits to spark,
to try and make me
ignite and erupt,
and blow sky-high
the first $^*%!g hero,
who tries to push his
dumb luck.


There’s not much we can do about it, folks- It’s Monday again. I know that the day sometimes leaves me with a short fuse and, well, I’m sure it does a few of you too. So here’s a little poem to hopefully make your day less grueling and get you by a bit quicker.

Towards the Sun

picture of vivid sun next to a shadowed tree

Towards the Sun

Sometimes it’s good
to get blinded,
to let your fickle
sight get seared

to let distractions
burn to ash,
let vain lips dry
and chap,
thick skin burn
and fade,

to shed the shadows
you’ve been casting
and let all the past
trail behind, and
saunter solely into
that horizon
like a hero past
his time.

Well, the week’s almost halfway through. Make it through today, and you’re on the downslope, folks. You can do it, I’ve got faith in you. Anywho, the little diddy above is something that I hope you enjoy. It’s one of those things where, sometimes, you just have to realize you need to shed everything and go. You’ve gotta walk right towards that sun, and keep going despite all of your previous obligations and connections. You just need to go and let it all get left in your wake.

It’s often a last decision, but one that can downright save your life. Or your happiness, at the very least.

Special thanks to  jpaulocv for the amazingly vivid image.

Bitter Whine

wine cork

The Bitter Whine

Mornings like this
make me wonder
why I ever gave
drinking up,

why I traded in
my shot glass
and took up
a coffee mug.

I shoulda joined
the band at the bar,
I could have been
famous, drinking
whiskey all the time,

but I had to go
and get educated
and now, all I ever
have to drink
is this bitter whine.


Mornin’, Folks. It’s Monday again, isn’t it? I’ve tried to ignore that fact myself. However, it’s there all the same and I hope you enjoy this short little crude rhyme and it at least gives you a lil bit to smile at as you start your week.

As for myself, I think I’ll have a bit of chateau de suck-it-up, and try my best to make it through the day 🙂

2000+ Thanks You’s (w/poem)

Thank You

Honestly, thank you.

It’s happened, folks. Over 2000 of you awesome individuals clicked the follow me button and, well, I am mighty grateful for it. Honestly, I can say how much I appreciate each and everyone of you who took the time to even stop by for a brief moment and look over a poem or two here.  Now, if you just wanna read my thank you poem, I suggest skipping to the end. If not, then let me fill you in on a little bit of the exciting news going on around here.

Firstly, I’ve had the honor of getting my poem “Indecision” freshly pressed. I can’t tell you what an awesome surprise that was, and it was an amazing pick me up. A little bit of an ego booster, so to speak.  There’s nothing like seeing something I put myself into actually get such a good deal of attention.  Secondly, I have been nominated by several of you for a handful of awards, all of which I completely honored and floored by. Those will all get their own post, and I’ll be mentioning you for the sake of being awesome enough to think of me.  Third, I’ll be launching my new facebook page soon, so you’ll want to keep an eye out for that folks, as I’ll be able to connect a bit better with all of you.

chocolate cupcake with pink frosting and sprinkles

Just in case you weren’t aware, for every 500 followers I get, I normally write a new poem….and I get myself a cupcake. Win-win, right?

Finally, I just have to say that, between getting freshly pressed, the sheer number of you amazing people, and the chance to actually connect more with everyone, that this has made the best birthday I have had in a very, very long time.  I honestly can’t remember a time when I’ve felt this good about life in general, nor when I’ve been this motivated to keep on, keepin’ on. Though it’s not officially till Sunday, I couldn’t possibly think of any other present that could make me feel so swell.

Thank you, honestly, for ever single second of your time. I can’t think of a single thing I value higher nor anything I’d rather have more.

As for the post, I’ve got a possessive little poem that’s just for you. Yep, you and only you. Think of it as my little ‘thank you’ for helping me limp my writing along. I really do appreciate it and, now, without further ado:


Your gaze,
my words,
our thoughts,

just, in this moment,
there is nothing
but us.

We exist
only in each other’s

my rhymes ghost
and your lips
lap this sentence:

that we are us,

an intimate assembly,
essences who flicker
in mutual envy

of our minds.

For me,

you will always be
audience enough.

Once again, thank you kindly, folks. I couldn’t do it without ya.


confused man


Churning a wyrm within me
burrowing, feeding on fears
and leaching its life
from regrets, bad decisions
in memories yet the very
things we saw coming
but from which we were
too stupid to run

it sits in our minds
smug towards our sulking
mocking those ambitions
towards which we’ve
stopped walking, body
lethargic with its
parasitical grunge
mucking through our

it’s a damned deadly,
cunning thing, and if you
don’t sweat it out
it’ll never go away


It will eat you if you let it, folks.