
joke picture


Rules, rhymes, lies

each inch of speeches



life, beliefs, dreams

all things in life are



Congratulations on making it to the weekend, folks! Still got a few hours of suffering around these parts but I thought I’d toss-up a little scrap while I had the time today. It pays homage to the fact that, just sometimes, there are conditions in which we bend or change what we’d like to believe in order to survive. Or just to get by. Or to just allow ourselves one more cookie, for that matter. Either way, semper gumby has become the motto of my life these days; being always flexible keeps me from getting bent out of shape.

Here’s to hoping that your weekend is long, your drinks are cold, and that Monday finds you ready for another round.

9 responses

    1. Thanks a million for the reblog!

  1. I prefer chocolate chip … with milk

    1. Classic and the only way to do it 😉 Thanks a million for the comment and for stopping by!

  2. The weekend is here! Please have a relaxing one 🙂

    1. Thank you! I’ve had a great one so far (very productive) and I just received a two day extension on it due to severe weather, so it looked way up. I would like to think you are to thank in some round about karma/positive thoughts kinda way 😉

      1. Severe weather?! Stay safe!

  3. I really like this one.

    1. Thanks! I just needed an excuse to use the funny cookie themed picture 🙂

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